Message from the Conference Chair 

Thank you for your participation in the 2018 INAFSM Annual Conference!

A plethora of phenomenal presentations, wonderful accommodations, and somehow – a rainless Thursday evening, all made our conference a memorable experience.

The plenary/exhibit hall looked fantastic! Your participation complemented our program, and is helping to grow this event. We will have a survey/evaluation coming to you soon. Please take a moment to provide us with feedback.

The Grand Wayne Convention Center in Downtown Fort Wayne will be hosting our 2019 conference. I hope you will consider attending and supporting our organization. 

Lastly, I would like to personally thank each & every one of you for your involvement in assisting with flooding and stormwater pollution issues, and the steps that you take to improve water quantity and quality in the State of Indiana.  

Thank you once again!
Mark Walker 

Conference Presentations

Thank you to all of our speakers who have shared their presentations on our website! See the presentations from the 2018 Conference!

 INAFSM Awards

Congratulations to this year's Award Winners! Click on the award winner to view a photograph capturing their excitement. 

INAFSM also recognized Richard DeWitt (MS4 Coordinator, City of Franklin) as INAFSM's newest Lifetime Member for all of his hard work and dedication over the years! 

For a list of previous winners, see the Awards Page!

 Thanks to our 2018 Sponsors

Kuert Concrete Logo HWC Engineering Logo


RA Smith Logo














