Click here to view the latest agenda.
Keynote & Plenary Speakers
We are very excited to be joined by these gentlemen!

Mr. Steven E. Eubanks, PE, CFM is the Chief Stormwater Engineer for the City of Fort Worth, Texas. He will speak about his involvement in development drainage review, capital project design, flooding and drainage complaint investigations and engineering assistance for maintenance projects

Dr. Weiss is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Valparaiso University and a registered P.E. He will speak upon the challenges of stormwater topics including stormwater management along highways, iron enhanced sand filtration, and permeable pavements in cold weather.

Hotel Information
A block of rooms has been reserved at the DoubleTree. The information below is necessary to ensure that you receive the $89 room rate. If you would like to come a little early or stay a little late, please note that the $89 room rate is good from Tuesday, September 5th through Friday, September 8th. There will be some optional activities available on Tuesday, the 5th, including:

- INAFSM Annual Golf Outing (Location and rates coming soon!)
- Technical Field Trips (more information to come)
- Social Gathering at a local South Bend establishment (more information to come)
Please make sure that when you reserve your room that the correct dates for your stay are selected!
Click on the link below to begin your online booking! Rooms must be booked by August 6 to receive block discount.
Group Name: Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management
Group Code: IFS
Nightly Rate: $89 + tax
Block Opens: September 5, 2017 (Tuesday)
Block Closes: September 8, 2017 (Friday)
Hotel Name: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel South Bend - Book a room now!
Hotel Address: 123 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, 46601
Phone Number: 574-234-2000
Vendor Information

Field Trips and Tours
INAFSM has planned several fun and educational field trip opportunities for both Wednesday and Friday. Please see the detailed flyer for field trip descriptions, times/dates, and meeting locations. Click here to view flyer.
Space is limited for each tour and registration is required. Click here to register for one or more field trips.
Silent Auction
At this year's conference, we will be running a Silent Auction, to support our Greg Main Memorial Scholarship fund!
Would your business donate an item? Or you personally? Perhaps you and co-workers can put together a basket of items from your part of the state? Wondering what would make a good item? Just think about items on which you might like to bid; if the item or collection of items is interesting to you, then there's a good chance that others will be interested, too.
Feel free to use the Silent Auction Flyer if you want to ask businesses in your area for a donation. Please contact Suzie Delay (317.234.1063) with items that you would like to donate so that we can be prepared when setting up the area.
Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Exam
Have you considered becoming a Certified Floodplain Manager? Many companies and communities prefer applicants who have “CFM” behind their name when they have an open position that involves floodplain issues. Being certified indicates that an individual has a good base knowledge of floodplain management. The Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) has established this national program for certifying floodplain managers. The program recognizes continuing education and professional development that enhances the knowledge and performance of local, state, federal and private-sector floodplain management professionals.
Because INAFSM is a State Chapter, it routinely offers the CFM exam at the annual conference. The exam will be offered on Thursday, September 7. A three-hour refresher course covering a wide variety of floodplain topics will be available at the conference on Wednesday, September 6 for those taking the exam and those who may wish to take it in the future. Anyone is welcome. Check the agenda for times and locations.
To take the CFM exam, you must complete and submit the CFM Program Application Package to the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM). The forms are available on the ASFPM website, under the Certification Program Tab, or click the following link: The fee is $100 for ASFPM members and $450 for non-members.
You may submit an application for ASFPM membership at the same time you apply to take the exam. To be accepted to take the exam at this scheduled time, you must submit your completed application and pay the appropriate fee to ASFPM at least two weeks prior to the conference. No walk-ins will be allowed unless authorized by the ASFPM executive office.
INAFSM Golf Outing
This year, we will be teeing it up at the Warren Golf Course in South Bend, site of the 2019 US Senior Open. The course is only 3 miles from the DoubleTree and a great deal at $50 per player which includes greens fee, cart and range balls.
We will tee off at 1:00 pm, and some of us meet for lunch before we play. The Warren Grille is on site, but we may opt to eat elsewhere in town. As the date nears, we will send more information to those who have registered. Please contact John Crist to register for the golf outing or if you have any questions.
Presenter Information
- The deadline for abstracts has passed. Please contact Lori Gates or Karen Avery if you have any questions!