Below is the complete list of presentations made at the 2022 INAFSM Annual Conference. If shared by the presenter, presentations are available to download below:
- A $5 Million Dollar "Good Housekeeping" Train Wreck (Tim Stottlemyer)
- A Modern Approach to Floodplain Management Using Clould Computing and Machine Learning (Susan Marlow)
- Big Creek Watershed GIS, Hydrologic and Water Quality Monitoring Study (Carrie Parmenter, John Stofleth)
- Construction in the MS4 GP (Amy Harvell)
- County Stormwater District Working with the LTAP Model SW Ordinance (Greg Lake)
- Creating a Forward Thinking & Implementable Stormwater Master Plan for the City of Bloomington (Heather Williams, Katherine Zaiger)
- Creating Financial Incentives to Reduce Stormwater Infrastructure Burden (Matt Meersman)
- CRS "What's New" (Tracie Belongia)
- CSGP Permitting Individual Lots and Implementing Other CSGP Requirements (Randy Braun)
- Developing Customized NRCS Unit Hydrographs for Ungauged Watersheds in Indiana (Tao Huang)
- Early Bird Session: Facilities Inspection Audit Review (Staci Goodwin)
- East Baton Rouge Parish Stormwater Master Plan (Dan Lexsa, Fred Berry)
- Floodplain Administrator Q&A Session (Sheila McKinley)
- Hydraulics for Stormwater Quality - Soil Infiltration and Percolation (Jeff Healy)
- Indiana Silver Jackets Water Resources Challenges Brainstorming Session (Brandon Brummett)
- Indiana's Lake Michigan Coastal Program at 20 Years (Ashley Sharkey, Jenny Orsburn, Joe Exl)
- Indiana's New Floodplain Information Portal: Where We Have Been and Future Direction (Alysson Oliger, Douglas Wagner)
- It is 2050! (Robert Barr, Siavash Beik)
- Kankakee River Streambank Stabilization Project (Thomas Burke, William Emerson)
- Meeting MS4 Training Requirements (Jennifer Sharkey, Lori Gates)
- MS4 101: Understanding Your New MS4 Designation (Matt Bell)
- MS4 Legal Update (Skipp Kropp)
- New Hamilton County ArcGIS Applications and Cross Use Applicability (Travis Cole)
- NFIP 101: An Introduction to Floodplain Management (Douglas Wagner)
- NFIP Basics for Improved and Damaged Structures: Substantial Improvement, Substantial Damage, and Post-Disaster Recovery Resources (Brian Killen)
- Partnership for Wetland Education (Alysson Oliger, Kristi Todd)
- Permeable Pavement - A Stormwater Runoff BMP (Doug McCluskey)
- South Bend Flood Inundation PAS Study (Greg Mausolf)
- Stormwater and Asset Management in a Dynamic Work Environment (Jeffrey Kuhn)
- Stormwater Management with Trench Drains & Geocellular Stormwater Detention Systems (Ben Cross)
- Targeted Outreach for Flood Risk Communication to Relators - Making Partnerships in the Property Transfer Stage (Chelsea Cottingham)
- The 2021 GSI Designer Survey - Results and Lessons Learned (Rob Woodman)
- The Influence of the Two-Stage Ditch on Water Quality in Agricultural Waterways (Jennifer Tank)
- The Next Generation of the (Geo)Space Force (Megan Compton, Shaun Scholer)
- Tippecanoe County Flood Inundation Library (Matthew Rummel, Siavash Beik)
- TRMs with Recycled Fibers Used in Fly Ash Pond Closure (Kevin Boyce)
- US Army Corps of Engineers Assistance (Brandon Brummett)
- Using Skimmers in Sediment Basins and Post Construction Stormwater Ponds To Improve Water Quality (Brian Free)
- Ward's Stormwater Floodplain Simulation Model (Darren Pearson, Suzanne Delay)
- What's New with Municipal Operations (Amy Harvell)