Below is the complete list of presentations made at the 2023 INAFSM Annual Conference. If shared by the presenter, presentations are available to download below:
- A Watershed Approach to Understanding & Improving Our Waters (Jill Hoffmann, Kelly Brown)
- An Overview of New and Upcoming Water Prediction Services from the NWS (Crystalyne Pettet)
- CFM Boot Camp: Parts I & II (Louie Greenwell, Douglas Wagner, Darren Pearson)
- Considering Soils In Managing Stormwater: Parts I & II (Doug Wolf)
- Construction Stormwater: Effective Compliance and Enforcement (Randy Braun)
- CRS Requirements for the New Elevation Certificate (Scott Cofoid)
- DIY SPCC Plans for Tier I Qualified Facilities (Amy Harvell)
- Flood Risk Data for Land Use Decisions - A closer look at FEMA’s Risk MAP data (Nabil Ghalayini)
- Geosynthetic Turf Reinforcement: Mitigation of Bank Slope Erosion from Hydraulic Stresses (Andy Durham)
- Green Infrastructure Master Planning for Public Projects - It Takes A Village (Heather Williams)
- Hart Ditch Channel Improvements (Bryan Lane, Thomas Burke)
- IDEM Stormwater Program Question and Answer (Randy Braun)
- Legislative Updates Affecting the DNR Division of Water (David Knipe)
- Let's Make a Difference (Susan Bodkin)
- Manage Your New MS4GP Program; Don’t Let It Manage YOU!! (Lori Gates)
- Maximizing Your Project Outcomes with Statements of Qualifications (Meg Butcher)
- MS4 - IDDE – Using and Developing SOPs to locate problem areas of illicit discharge. 4.4 SWQMP (a) (b) (Reggie Korthals, Rob Huckaby)
- MS4 Legal Update (Skipp Kropp)
- MS4GP Water Quality Characterization Report (Staci Goodwin)
- Navigating Environmental Permitting and Mitigation (Sarah Wright)
- Navigating the Dynamics of Damage Assessments (Manuela Johnson)
- NexusPark: Stormwater Management in a Wellhead Protection Area (Emily Summers, Mark Krenzke)
- Overhead Transmission Line Construction in Floodways - Minimizing Potential For Long-Term Impacts From Temporary Construction (Nathan Ehlinger)
- Post Construction Inspections - A Top Priority (Jacob Barker)
- Storm Inlet Design (Paul Thibaudeau)
- Stormwater Design & Construction Standards – Why, How and What? (Bill Leber, Kasey Marley)
- Stormwater Resiliency in the Built Community (Robert Page)
- The Devastating Southeast Indiana Flash Flood of Labor Day 2022 (Andrea Schoettmer, Garth Lindner, Julia Dian-Reed, Toby Adams)
- The New Elevation Certificate (Darren Pearson, Douglas Wagner)
- The Surface Water Model – When it Rains, it Pours (Brian Stevens)
- The Three-Legged Stool: How Big Ideas Transform into Critical Programs that Shape Indiana's Landscape (Marianne Cardwell)
- Trials and Tribulations of Urban Stormwater BMP Maintenance (Natalie Marinova)
- Two-Stage Ditches for Flood Reduction and Water Quality Improvements (Brian Powers, Sam Robertson)
- Understanding Active and Passive Floodproofing Options for Non-Residential Buildings in a Special Flood Hazard Area (Bryan Christopherson)
- Using GIS Tools to Estimate the Extent and Impact of Floodplain Connectivity (Ian Hahus)
- Ward's Floodplain & Stormwater Model Workshop (Suzanne Delay)
- What is a Public Education and Involvement Plan Anyway?! (Emily Myers, Vanessa Rainwater)