Webinars and Videos
The NPDES permit program, created in 1972 by the Clean Water Act (CWA), helps address water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to waters of the United States. The permit provides two levels of control: technology-based limits and water quality-based limits (if technology-based limits are not sufficient to provide protection of the water body). The US Environmental Protection Agency provides a number of recorded webcasts that can help the stormwater professional in understanding the basics as well as the intricacies of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The links below point to previously recorded webcasts relating to the following stormwater topics:
Recorded Webinars
The Flooding in Iowa Project is a series of 20 floodplain-topic, web-based videos designed to educate local officials and the general public about floodplains, flood risks, and basic floodplain management principles. The videos are divided into five categories: Introduction to the NFIP, Understanding Flooding, Floodplain Mapping, Floodplain Regulation, and Flood Insurance. In 2016, this project received the national ASFPM Outreach Award.
Municipal Online Stormwater Training Center (MOST Center)
The Municipal Online Stormwater Training Center (MOST Center) has launched two new video series:
"Public-Private Partnerships: Leveraging the Strengths of Government and the Private Sector" features local government leaders in the Chesapeake Bay watershed who engaged P3s in innovative ways to better manage stormwater and achieve shared community goals.
"Local Leaders: Innovative Approaches to Solve Environmental Challenges" spotlights area experts who have defied long-held assumptions, built relationships with nontraditional partners, and pushed the envelope to achieve better results for their communities.
Watch here for these videos and more to come.
Training Resources
Online training resources covering good housekeeping and pollution prevention, erosion and sediment control, IDDE, and other BMPs. Help Sheet
Indiana MS4 Videos
INAFSM is a supporter of this on-going Indiana MS4 entities lead project to develop a series of MS4 and Stormwater-topic, web-based videos. Since 2012, the project has been coordinated by the Tippecanoe County Partnership for Water Quality and the Muncie Sanitary District. Participating MS4s voluntarily pool their resources to develop videos annually.

- Stormwater Committee Meeting - Review and Comments on the MS4GP [1/29/2021] - INAFSM held a virtual discussion to review the draft comments compiled from members and to gather more comments. We had a good discussion on issues with some language in the public notice version.
- MS4 for Elected Officials - This 8 minute video features MS4 communities’ experienced, elected officials giving their advice and recommendations on why the MS4 program is important and explaining how it helps them with their duties (2016)
- Blue is the New Green - Blue is the new Green" - completed in 2015, this 10 minute video reviews the Do's and Don’ts of basic stormwater pollution prevention practices that should be implemented by everyone in their home, in their yard, and when they are out and about. This training tool will assist with educating the general public so they can learn to do the right things to help protect our environment; especially focusing on ways to help keep our waterways clean. Since the green, environmental movement is very popular, the video's title is a play on turning stormwater or "blue" into the next, new "green" movement! (2015)
- Stormwater Quality: Inspection - Completed in 2015, this 7 minute video explains the Inspector’s overall responsibilities (whether they represent a governmental entity or a private firm) when they inspect an active construction site for compliance with its stormwater quality runoff permit and/or applicable regulatory requirements. An overview of what needs to occur before, during, and after the inspection is presented. This training tool can be used to help inform governmental staff such as state or MS4 entity employees as well as those “trained individuals” conducting required “self-monitoring” inspections on their own sites. The Stormwater Quality Inspector’s role and responsibilities are important ones since their primary job is to help protect our nation’s waters; keeping them free from sediment and other pollutants. (2015)
- Stormwater Pond Maintenance for Homeowners - This 8-minute video describes the steps to maintaining a residential stormwater management pond. The primary target audience is home or property owners’ associations, but residents living in a community with a stormwater pond can also benefit from this information (2016)
- Proper Concrete Washout Procedures For Contractors - This 9 minute video was produced to share practices for properly managing concrete washout and concrete finishing discharges for end users and features updated BMPs, including how to washout in smaller areas (2013)
- Proper Refueling - This 6 minute video is designed to highlight the proper techniques for refueling vehicles and portable containers while reducing the potential for fuel to reach the storm sewer. Proper clean up and disposal methods are also outlined (2012)
- Construction Best Management Practices: Site Access and Preparation - This video is the first in a series focusing on best management practices (BMPs) for active construction site for handling stormwater runoff, including erosion and sediment control. It covers the items needed to prepare a construction site for access and before the site grading begins. (Created 2018). Duration 11:47.
- Construction Best Management Practices: Stormwater Runoff/Run On - This video is the second in a series focusing on active construction site best management practices or BMPs for handling stormwater runoff including erosion and sediment control. It covers the items needed to prepare a construction site for handling stormwater runoff from the site and stormwater run-on coming onto the site (Created 2018). Duration 13:00.
- Construction Best Management Practices: Surface Stabilization - This video is the third in a series focusing on active construction site best management practices or BMPs for handling stormwater runoff including erosion and sediment control. It covers the practices that can stabilize open and exposed areas on your construction site (2019). Duration 10:34.
- Construction Best Management Practices: Outlet Protection & Grade Stabilization - This video is the fourth in a series focusing on active construction site best management practices or BMPs for handling stormwater runoff including erosion and sediment control. It covers the practices that protect outlets and establish stabilized grades (Created 2019). Duration 8:15.
- Construction BMPs 5 Temporary Inlet and Curb Protection - This video is the fifth in a series focusing on active construction site best management practices or BMPs for handling stormwater runoff including erosion and sediment control. It covers the some of the many types of temporary practices that protect storm water management system inlets. (Created 2021). Duration 13:17.
Other Resources
Help Sheet – Educational Resources for MS4s. Online training resources covering good housekeeping and pollution prevention, erosion and sediment control, IDDE, and other BMPs
Help Sheet – Community Stormwater Issues. Aids MS4s in identifying community stormwater issues per the MS4GP, Section 4.3 Public Education, Outreach, Participation, and Involvement MCM.